Home>Women empowerment


We, at ARAM SEIYA VIRUMBU, strongly believes that women should have equal socio-economic, cultural and political opportunities equal to man. India’s unemployment and underemployment problem particularly affects those from the weaker section, especially women. Poor families remain in poverty mainly because of lack of skill and knowledge that could provide access to secured and sustainable livelihood opportunity. Thus promoting entrepreneurship skills with women of weaker section generally facilitates the entry of disadvantaged sections in to organised sector. Hence this program aims to contribute to poverty reduction through entrepreneurship development focusing on women. Further this programme tries to enhance the human capacities and social capital to foster entrepreneurial dynamics and enhance productivity with women.

At the most basic level, capacity-building approaches attempt to increase a given groups capacity to solve its collective problems.capacity-building can be considered either as a process, a practice, an organising principle, or as an objective, and can be all of these things at once. So, our main objective is to train the targeted rural groups to enhance the leadership quality, team building spirit and to build their capacity in relevant fields, rural people who are interested in starting economic activities or develop skills to get self employment are provided skill training.

We achieve women’s equity and resiliency by offering programs focusing on leadership, education, and equanimity. There are also business planning classes and entrepreneurship for women’s financial education.

On a global level, we want everyone to be able to participate in life fully, prosper, reach their full potential and live their best lives. 


  • Health and reproductive empowerment
  • Anti-trafficking education
  • Relationship transformation
  • Financial responsibility
  • Business or employment opportunities.
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